Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Journey review

My review of Journey is just this:

' It made me re-experience my whole life in just 2 hours... '

 Birth, the innocence and joy, youth, trials of life , the impending inevitable loss of body and beyond ! I am sure everyone must have had a different experience with Journey, to me, somehow it reminded me of my whole life in 2 hours ! Without any events in the game, or minimal events, lets say, it managed to make me feel every emotion or feeling I have had since childhood to now and how I feel of the life ahead ! The feeling I had at the end really felt that I have just been through my whole life and I just knew at the end that there will be nothing at the end of the light but a rebirth, it is life. But there was no expectations and no frustrations at that point ! The feeling of getting satisfied or being in a state where achievements don't matter before reaching the end, the feeling of having accomplished something without getting a reward, is exceptionally difficult to be conveyed to someone. Journey did that to me . This is something I have felt only when I meditate regularly, but a game ,an experience did this to just exceptional ! Jenova Chen knows what he is doing too well. For me, it is encapsulated in 2 hours !

It is just ........needs to be played and played in one sitting ! I hope everyone has a unique experience of it !

Beautiful, blissful and sublime ! 

For the first time since "Shadow of The Colossus" I have felt so mesmerized by a game ! Very short but exceptional ! Not just aesthetically, but even technically the game is marvel. I won't spoil anything for you, just play it and feel has made me proud to be a part of this gaming culture again ! :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Magic + spreads its wings: An iPad exclusive for now !

 Hi guys ! How are the holidays going? Did u guys get time to game a lot ? :)

                 In CM+ news, the winning streak of Christmas Magic + continues with number of downloads increasing each day and the buzz around the game getting more electric as each holiday passes. We are even getting requests to translate the game into Chinese and a few European languages. Also, as the trailer is spreading over the internet and being hosted on multiple channels, we are getting requests from all over the world to port the game over to PC, Mac, iPhones and Android devices. Though we can't promise an alternate version right now, technically we can port the game over to Chrome store, thus covering Mac ,PC and Linux in one go, and we can port it to some Android tablets. But, that will require funds and if we earn enough from the iPad version, we can do it. Phone versions will not be possible as the game's puzzles require a larger screen. So, in that regard, the game cannot be brought to iPhones and remains an iPad exclusive for this Holiday season.

  Our advice to people who haven't got an iPad and want to play Christmas Magic +:

Find a friend or family member with an iPad and spread the xmas cheer together as the game is best enjoyed together !


Go grab an iPad Mini ! It is cheaper, smaller and yet as productive, useful and flashy as its bigger brothers.

       Thats all for today ! Go get them fingers tapping and spread some "Christmas Magic" among you friends and family ! :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Magic + is shining bright on the Appstore !

Christmas Magic + , our little baby on the Appstore, is climbing strongly on the ladders of the AppStore ! We are getting steady downloads of around 500 per day (ain't that su-weet !) and steadily climbing. Also, its interesting to see the game performing equally well in non-english speaknig countries too, eg. China seems to like our game as much as the US, which is a surprise to us considering that a major chunk of the game is a storybook in English !

Add to that we have been recieving encouraging reviews and fan mails too.With the festive season in the air and Christmas cheer all around, we are getting messages from fans proclaiming the game as

"The Best Christmas Gift !"

Needless to say, we are feeling very proud of our game these days :) ! Hoping and praying it conquers more milestones as each day passes. More news and surprises will be out soon before the new year arrives !

Happy Holidays, everyone ! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Best Christmas Game is here !

Yes ! Yes ! Its fun quality time for all family this Christmas ! The best Christmas game on the iPad is free to play and ready to be enjoyed right now ! Welcome L'il Pono and his friends into your iPads and spread the Christmas cheer to one and all !

The best game you say! "Says who ?"

Well, say the players who are enjoying it immensely :

The perfect gift this Christmas ! “ –Rajn287

"Awesome game, Fun to play, Recommended." -Sorties

"Excellent game. Kids liked it most. Very mesmerizing. Puzzles are well made." -Rubinder

"Just found this by accident, and after having it for a couple of days ...thus is the most popular app in the household right now. It's easily as good as the other 5$ books I have bought for kids, and the puzzles are fantastic as well." - Jivtesh

"Brilliant..Loved it.. Awesome work..!" -garimanidhi

"awesome wordclass stuff! " - amritanshu

"it indeed is magical ! mesmerizing graphics, avatar like tree, fantastic puzzles......whats not to like there ! waiting for another of your releases. totally recommended." - sunnymanya
See there guys and fellas ! Thats the world enjoying the pretty game ! If you don't believe it, here, watch this mesmerizing trailer in HD:

 So, yes, now it feels a bit special, doesn't it ! :^) 

why not try it out yourself? Its Free to play and available right now !

Try it out now :

Have a wonderful holiday people ! Enjoy the adventure !

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone ! from Christmas Magic +

Wish you a Merry Merrily Merry Christmas ! :^)

L'il Pono , the Magical Tree and all of its wonderful twinkling Fireflies wish you a very very Merry Christmas ! Enjoy, smile, spread love and warmth tonight and forever after ! Let there never be a home without light, without food and without love.....Let it be Christmas cheer all year round !

To celebrate in our game "Christmas Magic +", we are offerring upto 50% discount on in-App purchases  ! So what are you waiting for, grab the best xmas game for free and get playing !

Let there be no iPad without Christmas Magic +, let there be no face without a smile :^) !

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Magic+ featured yet again on the Appstore ! :^)

            Just ahead of Christmas day, Christmas Magic +, our beloved little game for the iPad, has got the honour of being featured on the front page of the "Puzzles" section of the Appstore !

Here's the screenshot straight from my iPad :

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, thats the second category where CM + has got featured on the front page, after the "Kids" section. It feels like a dream run to us, out efforts finally bearing fruits :) ! The game is being received extremely positively all over the world and it getting front page treatment from Apple, shows its attention to quality !

Don't miss out on the fun this christmas, Download now:

Here's the wonderful trailer which is bringing in all the crowds :):
 Remember to watch in HD ! Have a wonderful Xmas fellas !

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Magic + gets featured on the AppStore !

Hey ! Look at this guys :

Thats a direct screenshot from my iPad  !

Christmas Magic + has been featured on the front page of the "kids" section of the Appstore !!!

That is a massive achievement :^) ! We, at P.L.A.Y.-Games, are overjoyed and humbled by this special treatment from Apple ! It feels ecstatic to see our charming little game performing well and winning hearts all over !

Don't miss out on what everyone is talking about, download the game now ! its free to play and wins over everybody's hearts in a jiffy ! Let the magic spread around this christmas !

Download here :

Here's hoping we conquer more categories of the Appstore soon and make it to the front page of the main store itself ! Cheers and smiles ! :^)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Magic is back !!! Christmas Magic + ! and it is Free to Play !

            Yes, the well received and widely loved adventure of L'il Pono is back on the Appstore this Christmas. We have worked hard and revamped the game's systems to make it work effortlessly on all iPads. The game also sports new effects and graphical improvements over Christmas Magic. Also, fans will notice new unlockables and re-vamped in-app purchases. Oh, and yes, there are free gifts for everyone and extra free gifts for Twitter users :) !
        Christmas Magic has been featured in the "Whats Hot" section of many countries and with Christmas magic +,  we intend to spread the Christmas cheer to every home out there ! Here's hoping every proud iPad owner enjoys Christmas Magic + as much as we loved creating this beautiful little tale. Let this Christmas be warm and glowing not just with light, but with Love, cheer and happiness !

Merry Christmas everyone, from L'il Pono and everyone at P.L.A.Y.-Games !  :)

Download here: